Monthly Musings
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.
Intentions + Commitment
For the first month of 2021, our theme is COMMITMENT. What are you committing to this month that will help you feel fulfilled, nourished, and healthy? What practices are you going to invite into your life to help you find more peace, space, and self love? Maybe we can make commitments together to shift away from habits and patterns that deplete us, and replace them with practices that restore and replenish us.
Another Kind of Present
Presence: existence, being there/here, an aura, charisma, poise, self-assurance, self confidence.
How amazing is that definition?! So much juiciness and joy to pull from as we come together for our physical practices of asana this month. I'm so excited to be in the moment with you each time we join together as a community of loving, joyous, like-minded beings of PRESENCE.
Abundant November
And so it is... we welcome November fully charged from the full moon, and our practices of magic throughout the past month, ready to embrace with gratitude the richness of our lives. This month our focus will be ABUNDANCE, as we continue to slow down and nourish ourselves, cultivate and feed our vibrations with a frequency of self love, and what is already working well in our lives, how full we already are, and how we can continue to increase the positivity and abundant love and life present in ourselves.
The beginning of October greets us with a full moon, which also has powerful energy! This full moon invites us to LET GO. May we have the curiosity and courage to identify anything that feels heavy, anything that drags down our energy, and give ourselves permission to be free of it, so that we can focus on what INSPIRES us, on what we want to cultivate on this life path, and to remember that MAGIC is present in our everyday life!
Start your journey
I hope that you find peace, bliss, inspiration, strength, and self-love through the practice of yoga. I hope that you can connect with the source of infinite light and love that resides within, and keep it close to you every day. I hope you feel gratitude, abundance, magic, and presence each time you step onto your mat, and you carry it with you throughout your days. I’m continually inspired by life, love, my students, my family. I would love to share the journey with you.